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Purford Green School

Purford Green School



Our Curriculum


Our curriculum has been designed specifically to meet the needs of children from our local community, ensuring that we develop the whole child. Our pupils’ needs and backgrounds and our values for learning underpin all areas of our curriculum: ‘Learning for Life'.


Our Curriculum Intent

    At Purford Green Primary School  we want all our pupils to enjoy school whilst adopting school values that allow children to become resilient, ambitious, independent learners who are prepared for a changing, global society.

We offer a range of experiences and provision which support a full spectrum of academic, physical, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities that enrich pupils’ lives and provide them with the confidence, skills and knowledge to progress to the next stage of their education. We aim for our pupils to become resilient, curious learners who find pleasure in tackling challenging work.

We believe that our pupils should experience a rich curriculum which balances academic and personal development. We teach all subjects in the National Curriculum, as well as following the agreed local syllabus for Religious Education, along with a well-planned and structured programme of personal, social, health and emotional learning. Our aim is for our pupils to thrive and achieve well across all subjects.

We plan our curriculum for security and depth of learning. To do this, we ensure that pupils do not just cover the curriculum but return to the key concepts, knowledge and skills over and over again each time gaining a deeper and more secure understanding. This then allows for the application of ideas and knowledge across different subjects.

We assess a pupil’s depth of knowledge, skills and understanding at regular intervals throughout the year, and use this as a forecast as to whether they are on track to meet our curriculum expectations.

At Purford Green Primary School, we use the National Curriculum and associated educational research as a helpful starting point for making curriculum decisions. The OFSTED framework enables us to plan our curriculum work around three key ways of thinking: Intent, Implementation and Impact.


We intend to create a curriculum:

  • That challenges all pupils but is accessible to all.
  • That is coherently planned and sequenced.
  • That is successfully adapted, designed and developed for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
  • That is broad and balanced for all pupils
  • Where parents and our local community feel welcome, involved and proud of the children’s and school’s achievements



We implement the curriculum by ensuring that:

  • Cognitive science underpins approaches to learning
  • Regular opportunities are planned to revisit and embed prior learning throughout the curriculum
  • Learning is checked and misconceptions are addressed, and learning is reshaped when appropriate.
  • Learning is put into a context and links are made across different subjects and domai
  • Feedback is given to children to ensure they are aware of how well they are doing and what they need to do next to progress further
  • A stimulating, vibrant and well-ordered learning environment actively supports pupil achievement.  


We intend that the impact of the curriculum will:

  • Increase children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts in all subjects
  • Allow children to enjoy and discover interests and talents that they can pursue in the next part of their learning journey
  • Ensure pupils make at least good progress from their relative starting points and prior attainment

Curriculum Overview

For each year group we map out how we will cover the National Curriculum for each subject along with which trips will support and enhance children's learning. 

Click on the links at the bottom of the page to view our curriculum for each year group and to view the vision statements for subject.


Our Learning and Life Experiences

At Purford Green we believe that every child should have amazing childhood experiences, ones they will remember for life. Throughout their time with us children at Purford Green are offered the chance to take part in our 70 learning and life experiences, these are:

  1. Make a special potion
  2. Fly a kite
  3. Post a list to Father Christmas
  4. Rescue an animal in danger (ice cube challenge)
  5. Dress up as a book character
  6. Find something that is lost
  7. Bring a teddy to school
  8. Jump in muddy puddles
  9. Receive a parcel
  10. Bake a cake
  11. Be transported to another world
  12. Make a mud pie
  13. Run through a garden bare foot
  14. Find treasure
  15. Have a picnic
  16. Work with a senior citizen
  17. Hunt for bugs
  18. Hatch an animal
  19. Paddle in the sea
  20. Build a sand and shell sculpture
  21. Skim stones
  22. Make something that moves
  23. Visit a castle where real Kings and Queens have lived
  24. Be a weather reporter
  25. Watch a West End show
  26. Visit a zoo
  27. Feed an animal
  28. Hold a creature
  29. Learn a different language
  30. Learn a song in sign language
  31. Visit some ruins
  32. Ride the train
  33. Discover the landmarks of London
  34. Be a film producer
  35. Visit a library
  36. Experience life from a time in the past
  37. Discover what is in a pond
  38. Go birdwatching
  39. Visit a museum
  40. Visit an art gallery
  41. Experience 3D art
  42. Go star gazing
  43. Experience secondary school
  44. Make and fly paper aeroplanes
  45. Camp out
  46. Sing songs around a campfire
  47. Go on a nature walk
  48. Try foods from around the world
  49. Visit a place of worship
  50. Float along a river (year 5 water-based activities – rafting/kayaking
  51. Navigate your way around London on the underground
  52. Find your way with a map and compass
  53. Visit the home of Shakespeare’s plays
  54. Have a speaking part in a play
  55. Order food and eat a meal in a restaurant
  56. Have a story published
  57. Be a photographer
  58. Go on a trip away for 2 nights or more
  59. Take part in team building activity
  60. Talk to professionals from a range of industries
  61. Ride a rollercoaster
  62. Plant it, grow it, eat it
  63. Do something for charity
  64. Take part in a talent show
  65. Join a school club
  66. Hold a position of responsibility in the school
  67. Perform at the O2
  68. Attend and watch a sporting event
  69. Spend time with other primary children from a different school
  70. Make something and sell it


Life Skills

At Purford Green we believe every child needs to have a set of core skills that will help them to be independent in every day life. To support this we have Life Skill Challenges which are:


  1. I can share a book I like with an audience 
  2. I can talk about things I like and do not like
  3. I can calm myself down when I am sad or angry
  4. I put things in the correct places 
  5. I can brush my teeth
  6. I can say please and thank you 
  7. I can change my shoes on my own 
  8. I can choose materials to be recycled and place them in the recycling bin 
  9. I can use the toilet on my own


  1. I can say please and thank you
  2. I can dress myself on my own and look after my own belongings
  3. I can use the toilet and wash my hands after
  4. I can blow my own nose
  5. I can use cutlery to eat
  6. I can show I am sorry
  7. I can write my own name
  8. I can name healthy foods
  9. I can resolve conflicts I have with my peers
  10. I can choose materials to be recycled and place them in the recycling bin

Year 1

  1. I can use a knife and fork to cut up food
  2. I can brush my hair
  3. I know when my birthday is
  4. I can work in a team
  5. I can describe what makes a healthy meal
  6. I have fire safety awareness
  7. I know how to cross a road safely
  8. I can describe how someone else feels
  9. I can resolve conflicts I have with my peers
  10. I can choose materials to be recycled and place them in the recycling bin

Year 2

  1. I know my left and right
  2. I know my address
  3. I know how to make an emergency phone call
  4. I can point to where I live on a world map
  5. I can pay someone a compliment
  6. I can use dining etiquette
  7. I can set myself a target
  8. I know what to do if I am lost
  9. I can resolve conflicts I have with my peers
  10. I can choose materials to be recycled and place them in the recycling bin

Year 3

  1. I can tie shoelaces
  2. I can wrap a present
  3. I can check the weather forecast
  4. I know how many days there are in each month of the year
  5. I can carry out research using a search engine
  6. I can teach something to someone else
  7. I can make a sandwich
  8. I can measure, choosing the appropriate equipment
  9. I can resolve conflicts I have with my peers
  10. I can recycle materials and know why we turn off lights and things that use power

Year 4

  1. I can read and follow a map
  2. I can calculate the change from £1.00, £5.00 and £10.00
  3. I can give directions
  4. I can write and post a letter
  5. I can swim a length
  6. I can read a bus timetable
  7. I can tell the time on an analogue and digital clock
  8. I can follow a simple recipe
  9. I can resolve conflicts I have with my peers
  10.  I can recycle materials, know why we turn off lights and things that use power and know what sustainable and renewable resources are

Year 5

  1. I can send an email
  2. I know how to behave appropriately on line and on social media
  3. I can fill in an application form
  4. I can prepare for an interview
  5. I can use a compass
  6. I can make a cup of tea
  7. I can give a presentation to an audience
  8. I understand the changes that happen during puberty
  9. I can resolve conflicts I have with my peers
  10. I can recycle materials, know why we turn off lights, know what sustainable and renewable resources are and explain the impact of plastic on earth and in our oceans 

Year 6

  1. I can prepare and cook a simple hot meal
  2. I can take part in a debate
  3. I have an awareness of basic first aid
  4. I can find out about a range of careers
  5. I have an understanding of drug and alcohol misuse
  6. I can tie a tie
  7. I can read a timetable and follow a schedule
  8. I know how to manage money
  9. I can resolve conflicts I have with my peers
  10. I can recycle materials and can explain the impact of plastic on earth and in oceans and suggest different materials which are more environmentally friendly